A great textile designer once said…
Charley’s Boat House Grill
A favorite staple of Fort Myers Beach, Charley’s Boat House Grill, has been in business for 41+years! This summer they will begin renovations. In collaboration with architect, Albert Dambrose from Studio A.D., we are currently working on plans to turn the existing dining rooms with their 1970’s decor into a hip, inviting steakhouse. Look for big changes this October!!! […]
Tips for Hiring an Interior Designer
Working with an interior designer on a home improvement project can be a time and money-saver if you plan the collaboration carefully. But first you need to understand that for all the expertise and creative ideas that an experienced interior designer can offer, there are two questions that only you can answer. What do you […]
A Case of the Blues at High Point
Twice yearly, in the spring and fall, a few (lucky!) HGTV.com editors visit our design mecca, High Point Market, to get a sneak peek of coming furniture, accessory, lighting and fabric trends long before they make it to stores. One of my favorite trendspotting categories is color and believe me, unlike the greige/neutral palette that […]
Benjamin Moore Color of the Year 2015
The color that ties things together– GUILFORD GREEN. OUR COLOR OF THE YEAR. “A neutral that’s natural. A silvery green that works with, well, everything. No worries. No second thoughts. Just a brush, dipped in a can, whooshed on a wall, and a whole lot of happily ever after.” –Ellen O’Neill, Creative Director, Benjamin Moore […]
Fort Myers Film Festival
Every so often, the stars align and all the ladies of Benson & Associates are able to hit the town for a fun evening together! Our staff had a wonderful night out supporting the Fort Myers Film Festival, followed up by a delicious dinner at one of our favorite local places, Mad Fresh Bistro. The film […]
Habitat for Humanity: A story in pictures
Karen, Shana and Michelle set off for an amazing adventure last Saturday to Guatemala for 9 days to build a home with Habitat for Humanity. As the week has progressed, they have sent back some truly beautiful pictures of the family they are helping, and the surrounding area. The ladies will be back this Sunday […]
Biophilia Understood
With the World Green Business Council’s recent report recommending that building owners and facility managers integrate natural features into workplace designs, it can be hard to know which features will make a difference and which will just end up as background scenery. While the generic benefits of office greenery are well-established, specific features and how they […]
Habitat for Humanity – Guatemala
In a month’s time, the ladies of Benson & Associates will be traveling to Guatemala with Habitat for Humanity for 9 days to help build homes for families in need! For more information about their upcoming trip and future travel dates, click here.
Sherwin Williams: Color of the Year
2015 Color of the Year — Coral Reef (SW 6606) This buoyant, living color is neither too pink, too orange nor too red. Think of it as the perfect mélange of all three vivacious hues. Its floral notes lend it an upbeat and optimistic vibe, perfectly suited to celebrate a mid-decade year that’s poised for […]